
Murder Mystery Dinner

The Belchertown Historical Association is holding its annual murder mystery dinner on Saturday February 1st at Tony and Penny’s Restaurant in Ludlow. The show will begin at 6:00 PM followed by the dinner buffet at 6:30. Guests can arrive as early as 5:30.

This year’s show, written by Paula Hilton, is entitled: PIRATES, LIES AND MAIL-ORDER BRIDES. We look forward, as always, to the hilarious antics of the BUCC Players from the Belchertown United Church of Christ, as they portray Red Leg the Dreaded and his trusty side-kick Pillage Ann Freebooty and others characters in this fun look at pirates who have left the glamorous life of pirating and joined the real world in real world jobs.

Plan a night out of dinner and entertainment while supporting our historical association, the church and a local restaurant business. The tickets are $47 each and include the show, dinner and dessert. There will be a cash bar. Tickets are available at Cold Spring Discount Liquors (on the Belchertown Common) or by contacting Sally Shattuck 413-230-2022 or sallyshattuck54@gmail.com.

Past Events

The museum's final event in 2024 was the November 2nd Yuletide fundraiser.  Members and supporters donated themed baskets, handmade items (especially tree ornaments), or baked goods. The rooms were beautifully decorated.  

An amazing day for visitors of all ages!  Check it out! 

Picture a night in the graveyard with Halloween lurking? The Belchertown Historical Association is holding graveyard tours in the Mount Hope Cemetery, located behind the Congregational Church, on Sunday night, Oct. 27th from 6-8 PM, weather permitting. Inhabitants of the cemetery who impacted Belchertown’s history, will come “to life” represented by members of the community in period costumes. This is not a trick or treat event.

Opening Day – May 11 – is a free and fun day for everyone.  Features include a plant sale, crafters and the Old Bag sale. Check out the Stone House itself, the buildings, and the grounds. Learn about upcoming events and the value membership brings to you and this local treasure.

The Washington Street Schoolhouse was moved to the Stone House Museum where it is being restored and used for education programs, lectures, and more!  
We will need $150,000 in order to accomplish this project.  It will truly take a community!

The Blackmer Building is where the Belchertown Sentinel newspaper was printed by Lewis Blackmer starting in 1915. In May 1968, the building and printing press were purchased at auction by Peter Dearness who then donated them to the historical society.

The Trustees of the Belchertown Historical Association are pleased to announce the acquisition of a 19th century “One horse open sleigh” that was built in Belchertown by the firm of Hawks and Smith. The beautiful sleigh, in very good original condition and paint, was returned “home” last December, and has been moved to the Ford Annex carriage barn at Belchertown’s Stone House Museum.

The Belchertown Historical Association is holding its Opening Day activities at the Stone House Museum on Saturday, May 11th from 9-2. Visitors will be able to tour the house free of charge while viewing the many new renovations to the interior of the house. This year’s displays focus on “Crossroads”. Belchertown played an integral part in the carriage manufacturing business, hosted two large hotels on the common as well as an inn. Trains came through town several times a day bringing visitors from the cities as well as travelers from across neighboring states. Travelers could then ride by carriage down to the lakes where they could stroll and enjoy the cooler temperatures. Exhibits throughout the museum and out buildings will showcase examples of carriages, clothing, luggage, maps, and photographs.



Dwight Day will be the first-ever event celebrating this distinct and historic village in North Belchertown. The event will include music, food, cultural/historical talks, reenactments, antique autos, children’s activities and an art show featuring the works of local residents.

This one-day event will be held on Saturday, June 15 (with a rain date of Sunday the 16) on the grounds of Dwight Chapel (885 Federal Street).

The Stone House Museum 

Stone House Museum is Open May through October  ~  Saturday @ 2 – 5 pm  ~ Admission: FREE for Members; $5 adults,  $4 seniors,  $2 children   
Call us to arrange private tours.
Address:  Belchertown Historical Association ~ 20 Maple St. PO Box 1211, Belchertown, MA 01007 
www.StoneHouseMuseum.org    413.323.6573    info@StoneHouseMuseum.org

Membership is very affordable and we need your help to support the preservation and promotion of our community’s heritage. Membership donations, business sponsorships and our successful fundraising events enable us to care for the Stone House Museum, its collections, exhibits, and programs, ensuring that Belchertown’s history will be preserved for future generations.